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我最喜欢/最推荐的母婴儿童用品 [征文作品] by Cissy


我最喜爱的母婴用品征文- Cissy

Among everything that I bought for my baby, I want to recommend one item, that I have used since my baby was 3 days old, till now, used daily and my baby absolutely love it!

This item is the baby bathing tub.
The First Year's Infant To Toddler Tub with Sling

Product Link:

I bought it from the local Target score 1 day before my baby was born. So I feel that it is a lucky symbol of the coming of my baby

The baby tub looks beautiful, stylish, very easy to handle. In the first three months, one important feature is that it has a sling, which is a must for the first three months of your baby. The sling can be easily tucked up and taken off, so what I do is that, I usually put the sling on the tub when bathing the baby, because it will prevent any hard surface from hurting the baby’s tender skin. After the bath, I will take the sling off, simply wash it under running water and dry it for next day use. It is very easy to dry so there is no worry about it.

Around 3.5 months old, I start to bath my baby without the sling. I find out that this tub is designed very well in a way that the baby can sit in the NEW BORN side (you can see the words from the tub) without any other support. So you can bath the baby alone without having to support him with one hand. My baby is 9.5 months old now and still uses the NEW BORN side; he loves to press water with his hands . One interesting thing is that starting from month 7, I found that he likes to hold on to one side of the tub with his hand, I guess that he is just practicing holding himself to an object to be fully safe.

I usually put this baby bath tub into my usual bath tub, turn the facet on to put water in it, and then leave to take my baby’s clothes and diaper off. Then come back with my baby, turn the facet off, test the water temperature and put my baby in. You can use a small chair when you bath the baby, it will make it a lot easier and your body will not hurt at all like other mother complains that bathing the baby hurt their back. Besides, starting from month 7, you can give your baby something to play with in the tub, such as a small shampoo bottle to keep him busy.

This tub looks absolutely adorable, and fits very well in the bathroom, and I am assuming that after a couple of years, when my baby is too big for the tub, I can still use it for washing big things since it is really big as a basin and quite easy to handle.

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